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Techwork Traditional Chinese Medicine Academy
TCM Courses
Year One
(4) 中醫方劑 (TCM Prescriptions
Year Two
(5) 中醫內科 (Internal Medicine of TCM)
(6) 中醫外科 (TCM Surgery)
(7) 中醫婦科 (Chinese Medicine Gynecology)
(8) 中醫男科 (Chinese Medicine Andrology)
Year Three
(9) 中醫兒科 (TCM pediatrics)
(10) 中醫針灸科 (Acupuncture)
(11) 中醫五官科 (Five Organs)
(12) 中醫奇難雜症 (Difficult and Miscellaneous Diseases)
Year Four
(13) 黃帝內經 (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
(14) 傷寒雜病論 (Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases)
(15) 溫病學 (Febrile Diseases)
(16) 本草綱目 (Compendium of Materia Medica)
Anchor 1
Zi Wei Dou Shu Classes
(Must study in chronological order)
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